It’s been more than a year ago that I have started working on the mutable instruments source code available here, to bring the sound and thoughtful layout of some of these fabulous eurorack modules into Cycling74’s Max. The project is not finished (and might not ever be…), but I want to use this space to […]
This post is more a reminder to myself: every now and then I keep running into Core Audio – and need to start all over again, cause I can hardly remember anything from the last encounter… Yes Core Audio is quite convoluted as it goes very deep, but it opens a lot of possibilities.
In MaxMSP it’s very easy to create relatively good looking graphical user interfaces (GUIs) quickly, which no doubt can be very helpful in a lot of situations (user guidance, performance, teaching etc.). But it’s also true, that the display of (especially dynamic) graphics taxes the CPU quite a lot.
I’m slowly trying to replace all external objects in my performance system by 64-bit versions, so I can finally run MaxMSP in 64-bit mode. Most of the externals in my setup are from code that I wrote myself – so no big problem updating those. But one of the few externals from other people that i use is the famous sigmund~ object by Miller Puckette.
On a mac the Accelerate framework delivers a lot of very useful DSP functions. Most of them are pretty straight forward to use, some are a little complicated. One of those is vDSP_deq22 / vDSP_deq22D which implements a vectorized 2 pole 2 zero filter (biquad).
Some time ago there was a discussion on the MaxMSP-forums going on about recreating a specific chaotic oscillator. Actually this goes back to this site: ciat lonbarde, where you can find all sorts of “intuitive analog organs for your atonal/chaos squishing needs” as the author says…