Karmen Camina


Playing at Karmen Camina tonight, a cool place in Strasbourg with a multi-speaker system 🙂 https://www.instagram.com/karmen.caminahttps://www.facebook.com/karmen.camina

unorthodoxjukebox o.


unorthodoxjukebox o. is a collective of more than 20 musicians. We play contemporary & avant-garde music which is either freely improvised or based on improvisational or visual concepts.

Electric Spring !


I’m excited to play a set at Electric Spring Festival in Huddersfield! I’ll be trying out my new setup including a newly designed feedback system in MaxMSP and some modular synth stuff.

SCHIMMER – album release


The music on this album started out as duo improvisations of saxophone and piano. The electronic parts were added later in an effort to add a counterpoint to the acoustic dialog. These parts were also mostly recorded from improvised sessions and later more or less heavily edited.

WEAK TIES – album release


new album WEAK TIES with Benjamin Brodbeck was just released on creative sources recordings!

Recording Session with Benjamin Brodbeck


Lately Benjamin and I went into the studio and had a little recording session of our duo improvisation work. Here is a 95 seconds summary…  

live @ zeitraumexit


Recently I’ve been playing a live solo set, which I haven’t done for a long time. On the whole the trip to Mannheim was worth it and fun to do – thanks to the elektrosmog team – Flo and Volker (the other one) – for inviting me. Here are some excerpts

Impro-Session mit Jonas


Just a quick av-recording during an impro-session with Jonas Althaus. Jonglage, Jonas Althaus Musik, Volker Böhm