vb-objects for MaxMSP
This is a slowly growing collection of externals made for the programming environment Max/MSP (Cycling’74). Most of them were written for my personal projects – if you run into problems, please let me know.
All objects are compiled for macos (intel/arm64) and come in a simple to install max package found here.
- vb.allpole~ — an allpole filter
- vb.aubio~ — onset detection analysis of audio data stored in a buffer~ using aubio
- vb.blit~ — a bandlimited impulse oscillator
- vb.brown~ — brownian noise generator
- vb.cheby~ — a variable order chebyshev filter
- vb.evolution~ — progressively freezing an input signal
- vb.fbosc~ — a feedback oscillator
- vb.fbosc2~ — similar to vb.fbosc~ but with signal inlets
- vb.FFTWbuf~ — processes non-realtime FFT/iFFT of buffered data
- vb.fourses~ — a chaotic oscillator after ciat lonbarde
- vb.freezer~ — freeze audio input into a perfect loop (mac/win)
- vb.gbuzz~ — impulse generator with spectrum control
- vb.gcd_lcm — calculate Greates Common Divisor (gcd) and Least Common Multiple (lcm)
- vb.goertzel~ — goertzel filter implementation, to detect presence of a specific frequency component in a signal
- vb.jonverb~ — an inexpensive artificial reverb generator after Jon Dattorro
- vb.linCongru~ — linear congruential pattern generator
- vb.listchange — same as [change] but for lists
- vb.listdrunk — same as [drunk] but for lists
- vb.median~ — a median filter based on SuperCollider’s median UGen by J. McCartney
- vb.phasor0~ — a phasor that changes its frequency only at the beginning of a new ramp
- vb.pitch~ — a pitch tracker
- vb.ramp~ — a ramp generator which can be triggered by a signal
- vb.rand~ — same as [rand~] but with cubic interpolation
- vb.simper.svf~ — Andrew Simper’s state variable filter version
- vb.src~ — high quality variable sample playback using libsamplerate
- vb.stretch~ — extreme audio stretching
- vb.thresh~ — same as [thresh~] but with settable gate time
Sources on gitHub.
vb.mi-objects — a collection of mutable instruments eurorack modules for MaxMSP (work in progress!) – for more info about this collection go here
sources on gitHub.
vb.4ms-stuff — a small collection of max objects inspired by eurorack modules by 4ms. At the moment this contains:
vb.rcd~ (a rotating clock divider) and
vb.scm~ (shuffling clock multiplier)
vb.smr~ (spectral morphing resonator)
- max-thirdParty_externals — a collection of legacy externals for MaxMSP developed by various authors. Binaries are compiled for mac (intel/arm) and windows (win64) except where otherwise noted. Sources on github. Currently the package contains:
- 2up_svf~ by Randy Jones
- analyzer~ by Tristan Jehan et al. (mac only)
- bob~ by Miller Puckette
- ca1s by Jhno (John Eichenseer)
- cverb~ by ?
- fluidsynth~ by Peter Hanappe et al. and Norbert Schnell (mac only)
- freeverb~ by Olaf Matthes
- gigaverb~ by Olaf Matthes
- rufus~ by David Zicarelli
- s2m.wacom by Charles Gondre (macos only)
- slice~ by Nao Tokui
- vinylcontrol~ originally written for PD by Niklas Klügel
- sigmund~ — a 64-bit version of Miller Puckette’s sigmund~ object (mac[intel/arm]/win64).
Sources on gitHub.
- fiddle~ — 64 bit version of Miller Puckette’s fiddle~ object for MaxMSP (mac[intel/arm]/win64).
Sources on gitHub
- bonk~ — 64 bit version of Miller Puckette’s bonk~ object for MaxMSP (mac[intel/arm]/win64).
Sources on gitHub.
- playmp3~ — an object that plays back compressed audio files (mp3, m4a etc.). Note: EXPERIMENTAL STATE!
- jit.boids — 64 bit version (mac[intel/arm]). A bird flight and animal flock simulator for Jitter. Original by Wesley Smith, a.sier / jasch and Eric Singer. This package contains:
- jit.boids2d
- jit.boids3d
- xray.jit.render
- csound~v1.1.4(vb+) — an object by Davis Pyon for running csound from inside maxmsp (mac[intel/arm]).
- vb.metatag — read and write metadata tags for media files using “taglib”. Based on metatag by J. Bernstein
Some UGens for SuperCollider
a modest collection of UGens/plugins for SuperCollider containing:
- VBFourses, a chaotic oscillator network after ciat lonbarde
- VBPVoc, a simple PhaseVocoder for time stretching of buffered audio
- VBJonVerb, a reverb model after Jon Dattorro
- VBChebyFilt, a steep Chebychev High-/Low-Pass Filter, based on St.Smith’s DSP-Guide
- Lores, a cheap resonant lowpass filter (based on MaxMSP’s lores~)
- Slide, smoothing signals with adjustable attack and release times
sources on GitHub
For binaries (macos, linux, windows) go to releases
some SuperCollider UGens/plugins based on euroack modules by mutable instruments, STILL IN DEVELOPEMENT – PLEASE USE WITH CARE!
- MiBraids, a macro-oscillator based on the Briads module
- MiClouds, a granular audio processor based on the Clouds module.
- MiElements, a physical modelling engine based on Elements.
- MiMu, a µ-law audio compander for softly degrading an input signal, based on code from the Clouds module.
- MiOmi, ‘ominous’, a dark 2×2-op FM synth voice (from Elements).
- MiPlaits, a macro-oscillator based on the Plaits module.
- MiRings, a resonator based on the Rings module.
- MiRipples, a classic, ‘big-sounding’ analog four-pole filter based on Ripples.
- MiTides, a quad LFO and unique looping AD envelope generator based on Tides(2).
- MiVerb, Griesinger reverb unit found in several mi-modules
sources on GitHub
For binaries (macos, linux, windows) go to releases
[…] some point this year, I’ll give Volker Böhm’s vb.aubio~ (itself based on Paul Brossier’s aubio toolkit) a whirl, as it purports to do similar […]